Amsterdam Delights


Its our momma's birthday today, and she is a woman who deserves extravagant celebrations. We don't pull that off every year, but there have been a few ones special enough to match who she is. 

One of the best was spending her birthday at

 Casa Di David

We came across this Italian restaurant while wandering the canals of Amsterdam- still a bit jet lagged, and honestly not blown away by some of the dishes we'd had in London (we know, its a cheap shot to knock british food). So, this amazing Calzone con Ripieno di Prosciutto e Gorgonzola was the carb-packaged pocket of cheesy goodness that Calzones were born to be. Also, I cannot recommend highly enough the Spaghetti all’aglio, olio e peperoncino. The simplicity of oil, garlic and pepper perfectly balanced is something I still remember a decade later. 

If its good enough to celebrate our mother, than its good enough for any and every other joy in life there is to celebrate. 
