Give me Cheese, or Give me Death!

Philadephia Cheese 

There are many wonderful reasons to go to Philadelphia (see a few below). This time, my reason was the wedding of a dear friend. After a beautiful celebration, we found our way to the Reading Terminal Market. 

The Grilled Cheeses available at the Valley Shepherd Creamery and Melt Kraft are worth returning to Philadelphia as many times as possible. 

Next stop, Independence Hall. At the time of this trip, I believed that my genealogy research (nerd alert, I know) showed we were direct descents of one of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence. So, I was experiencing this all on the high of feeling connected to it down to my DNA.  A few months later, my assumed genealogy was proven wrong. 

Even if you don't have a delusion-based or true DNA connection to the Signers, visiting Independence Hall is an inspiring celebration of the United States of America. 

