Ferry Building, Muir Woods, Sausalito

Come to the Forest, For Here is Rest    

~John Muir

My number one desire on our San Francisco trip was to go back to Muir Woods. The last time was over 15 years ago, but I still remembered the awe inspired by the redwoods. 

Muir Woods requires planning ahead- which we thankfully did (see our 3 Mistakes to Avoid post for ways we did not plan well on this trip). Make sure to reserve a parking spot beforehand- or use the shuttle. We found the shuttle really easy to use overall. On the way back there was quite a long line for a returning shuttle- so don't wait until the end of park hours to leave. 

It was easy to be in the present moment in the midst of the overwhelming stature and beauty of the redwood trees. It made enjoying our little picnic in the food designated area outside the gift shop, bc we follow the rules when it comes to protecting nature, such a mindful and divine moment.

We got ourselves to that moment by starting out our morning at the Ferry Building to get 'supplies' before the park. 

The Ferry Building Marketplace houses some amazing vendors.  
My friend introduced me to Blue Bottle coffee. I don't like coffee so I got a lemonade (probably the only adult to get lemonade there). Even as a non-coffee drinker, I could tell from a small taste that this coffee is better- it was the closest I've come to liking coffee bc it was smoother and didn't have a hint of bitterness to it.  

There was also an adorable stand with an array of flavored biscuits
A cheddar biscuit by the bay is how I want to start all my mornings now.  

After these distractions, we got around to gathering goodies for a picnic. 

We started with cheese, of course. I was so excited to get to sample Cowgirl Creamery's cheeses. They had a $20 picnic brown bag with 3 slice of cheese- including the newest offering Little Guy (a cows milk cheese). The trio was completed with Cana de Oveja (a sheep milk cheese), and Lincolnshire Poacher (a cow, sheep and goat milk combo)

The smell of bread wafting from Acme Bread was so magical for this carb-loving lady- and the taste did not disappoint.

And finally 🎉A MEAT CONE 🎉 from Prather Ranch Meat Co. It was the cone of my charcuterie loving dreams with a sampling of Prather Ranch Ham, Fatted Calf Salami and Prosciutto.  

You'd think all that goodness of nature and food would be enough for one day- but in line with the rest of our San Francisco adventure- we were lucky to stumble into another treat before the end of our day. The shuttle returned us to the middle of downtown Sausalito- and one of the few restaurants still open was Copita Tequileria and Comida.

We were not dressed well enough for Copita and we had a layer of forest dirt covering our shoes - so the Copita staff were very gracious to make time for us to enjoy a truly delicious meal between their booked reservations. There were so many enticing items on the menu, so we decided to share all our plates. The dishes were perfectly seasoned, with bright and warm flavors, especially the mole enchiladas.  

Chips & Two Seasonal Salsas

 Enchiladas de Pollo en Mole Manchamanteles

Tacos Tres Al Pastor

For more tips on your San Francisco trip, see our first post about this trip. We loved San Francisco so much, we will definitely return- so let us know what we should experience the next time :) 
